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Oh man! You have to go back to work at one week. That is too bad. Well I can say for me I was in terrible pain for a solid 6 days but now I am on day 7 today and I was able to get so much done. Most people are saying they don't have nearly the amount of pain I had too. You will be fine in the bed but pillow placement is important and figuring out a way to get out without using stomach muscles. Good luck!
I found several on Craig's List but after finding out today how little I will be getting for disability, I really shouldn't be buying a recliner! I will be back to work in 1 week! I cannot afford not to be!
444.5 / 430.2 / 408.2 / 299.8 / 244.5 / 249 / 225
Highest / 07-11-08 / 11-25-08 / 06-07-09 / 03-25-10 / 01-31-11 / STG
444.5 / 430.2 / 408.2 / 299.8 / 244.5 / 249 / 225
Highest / 07-11-08 / 11-25-08 / 06-07-09 / 03-25-10 / 01-31-11 / STG
Topic: RE: Post Op Diet Questions
I wish I could help, but my dr said no vitamins and supplements until he gives me the okay.
Topic: RE: 4 days post op and first post
Yes, I've heard it's very common. I am very lucky that I do not have it and I didn't get my monthly visitor early. I do have a lot of gas. When I get gas pains I use my gas x strips and they work great. I hope you feel better.
Topic: RE: What do you hope for 6 mths from surgery day

I have so many! Ill just make mention of two.
1. To have lost at least 100 pounds
2. To not need any of my co-morbidity medications (HBP & C-Pap machine)
OK, maybe just one more
3. To be able to run or walk a mile in under a hour.

Topic: RE: 4 days post op and first post
I'm 8 days out and still have diarrhea. What do you expect? Liquids in, Liquids out. 
IT's common to have buyers remorse. I actually had it this weekend and was bawling about getting this surgery. But it passed. Your body was assaulted on the inside. not to mention the anesthesia will sometimes make you depression. It was a lot you just went through.
Keep your head up. It will get better :) I'm only 8 days out and i'm starting to feel A LOT better. I can sleep on my side!!!!
Good luck with evrything!

IT's common to have buyers remorse. I actually had it this weekend and was bawling about getting this surgery. But it passed. Your body was assaulted on the inside. not to mention the anesthesia will sometimes make you depression. It was a lot you just went through.
Keep your head up. It will get better :) I'm only 8 days out and i'm starting to feel A LOT better. I can sleep on my side!!!!
Good luck with evrything!
Topic: RE: X-Post: Surgery Date Moved Up!
Hi, my surgery is on 11/21, so I'm in the middle of my pre-op diet of 2 protein shakes and one meal (little pro, very little starch) per day routine. I'll be on full liquids for, cream soup it is! I'm planning on a low key holiday, spouse, son and girlfriend and that's it. While my meal comes from a blender, theirs will come from Whole Foods!
Good luck with your surgery! Turkey broth for one holiday is a small price to pay. By Christmas you'll be enjoying other foods!
Good luck with your surgery! Turkey broth for one holiday is a small price to pay. By Christmas you'll be enjoying other foods!